DEN Conference - 2024

The DEN conference was my first conference, so I wasn’t sure what to anticipate from it. It was a good experience that has motivated me to attend and partake in the next one the following year. The entire conference had shown that there was enthusiasm and teamwork that was put together in order to create a great outcome.

Although I didn’t participate by presenting or chairing, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to everyone else’s presentations. The third-year students shared insights from their dissertations, and we also heard from students from Thailand, Vietnam, America, and Kazakhstan, as well as members from DEN. Each presentation was unique and offered a fresh perspective, which I found incredibly engaging. I appreciated the diversity in topics, particularly those addressing current world events and raising awareness within the community. For instance, presentations on the Rwandan crisis and discussions about gender and violence were both eye opening and highlighted important issues that deserve attention.

The conference was made more enjoyable by the social interaction it offered in addition to the educational environment. Peers were able to bond and got to know each other better. The evening was also enhanced by performances such as live music and poetry reading, which further showcased the diverse talents within the community. All in all, the social part of the event was enjoyable because of the excellent food, performances, and networking opportunities.

DEN was able to create a fantastic conference which allowed students an opportunity to talk about something that they are passionate about and to share it with their peers. This has allowed for us to be able to expand our knowledge and understand topics or even learn something new. This is a good thing as the DEN conference allows for new ideas and information towards the community.

Overall, the DEN conference was an enjoyable experience which showcased their enthusiasm and teamwork. It showed all the effort and hard work that was put into this and had a very successful outcome. I look forward to the next one!

Sumaiya Uddin

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