
Imran Khan’s Arrest: An Unjustifiable Act

Pakistan’s former Prime Minister, Imran Khan, a former cricketer-turned-politician,

was recently arrested in questionable and unclear circumstances, prompting intense,

widespread debate and criticism. This blog aims to shed light on the reasons behind

his arrest and why it was fundamentally wrong.

The Arrest

On a pivotal day, while participating in a nonviolent demonstration against purported

electoral rigging, Imran Khan was taken into custody by the police on accusations of

sedition and inciting violence. Khan has always emphasised the significance of

democracy in Pakistan and has been a vocal advocate for fair and transparent

elections. His arrest caused shockwaves across the country, causing many to

question the motives and ethics behind such drastic action.

Political Motivations

It is widely believed that Khan’s detention was politically motivated to curtail his

rising influence as a prominent opposition leader. As the leader of Pakistan

Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, Khan, had gathered significant support and posed a

formidable challenge to the ruling party. His relentless pursuit of accountability and

justice connected with the populace, threatening the stability of the government.

Therefore, the arrest appears to be a deliberate attempt to stifle dissent and curtail

the democratic process.

Violation of Freedom of Expression

The arrest of Imran Khan represents a flagrant infringement of the fundamental right

to freedom of expression. Every functional democracy needs peaceful protests

because they allow people to express their concerns and hold the

government accountable. Khan’s detention sends a chilling message to the public,

creating fear and discouraging peaceful dissent. The authorities used an

authoritarian approach, silencing a prominent voice of dissent rather than

addressing and resolving the grievances raised by the opposition.

Lack of Evidence

One of the most troubling aspects of Imran Khan’s arrest is the lack of substantial

evidence supporting the charges brought against him. Before an arrest is justified,

strong evidence must support the serious accusations of sedition and

incitement to violence. However, in Khan’s case, the prosecution’s case was, at best

, tenuous. This raises serious concerns about the fairness and impartiality of the legal

, system and suggests that the arrest was an arbitrary act driven by ulterior motives.

Selective Justice

The selective application of justice is a recurrent issue in many nations, and Khan’s

arrest further exemplifies this problem. While those connected to the ruling party

frequently enjoy impunity and avoid accountability for comparable or even more

severe offences, opposition leaders frequently face immediate action and punitive

penalties. This glaring double standard erodes public trust in the justice system and

undermines the rule of law. The arrest of Imran Khan only reinforces the perception

that the scales of justice are tipped in favour of the powerful and politically


The arrest of Imran Khan was an unjustifiable act that not only violated his

fundamental rights but also Pakistan’s democracy and freedom of expression. It is

clear that this arrest was a deliberate action to silence criticism and preserve the

status quo given the lack of evidence, the political motives, and the selective

application of law. As citizens, it is essential to question such actions and demand

transparency, fairness, and accountability from those in power. Only by safeguarding

democratic principles and upholding the rule of law can a nation truly progress and


Saba Malik, University of Westminster

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