DENDEN's International Student ConferenceGlobal

From Westminster to Vietnam

In collaboration with DEN (Democratic Education Network) and IDS (International Development Society), the Inside Westminster team, along with 20+ Westminster students, is visiting Ha Noi, Vietnam. This is the second time that UoW and Hanoi University have partnered up. Led by Dr Farhang Morady, the students are enjoying the opportunity to learn and experience this fascinating South-East Asian country. Vietnam has a lot to offer and we will do our best to report to you everything happening six time zones away!

The purpose of this trip is to view globalisation in action and put into practice the theories we’ve learned in academia. Right away we realised that much of Vietnam is perceived through a western centric lens. Therefore, we look forward to breaking barriers and critiquing the occidental perceptions of Hanoi by engaging with the students and residents of Ha Noi.

Video: Carla Ruiz Armandariz

  1. Neal

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