Student Journeys

Get involved, be yourself and experience new adventures

Besides the excitement and eagerness to learn about Politics and International Relations, the constant reminder of starting university all seemed scary. Numerous questions flooded into my head; do I want to go to university? Where am I going to go? How am I going to get there?

I studied at the same school and the sixth form for seven years, in an environment that was comfortable and felt like home. Yet, I had many negative perceptions about the idea of university life including how to manage money, traveling long distances and most importantly making new friends.

As a student who was able to engage and grasp many opportunities within an educational institution, I feared that I may not be able to fulfill particular interests in an unknown setting. However, this perception completely contrasts the experiences I have currently already had at university. Three weeks into university and I am loving it – they have been the best weeks of my life. I am very much looking forward to the remaining journey and what the future holds at Westminster.

The University of Westminster presents a real opportunity to get involved and build a strong sense of community through being able to develop different skills and interests. I have already joined many groups and societies within my individual interest. The university has provided me with a real taste of independence, enabling me to gain a fruitful insight into how to manage my time wisely between educational and community work. For example, I have made a commitment towards the Democratic Education Network (DEN) by leading a group of people in order to organise and host a month of activities and events based on the issue of gender inequality.  As a first-year student, I have already been given the initiative to work alongside different communities to challenge injustice, express my passion for equal rights and to engage and foster debate about controversial topics. Being apart of Westminster clearly demonstrates that it is not only about attending lectures and seminars but also about taking advantage of the opportunities available and building a family.

Furthermore, Westminster is dedicated to welcoming people from all parts of the world irrespective of background, culture or religion. It respects and values diversity within the whole community, in particular through supporting equal opportunities. Westminster is all about looking out for one another. University life has offered me the opportunity to get to know a diverse range of people and cultures. I have made friends with people from diverse backgrounds that I have never come across before. From this experience, I am confident that I will be able to learn different languages, visit new places and increase my knowledge about the world we live around in.

Personally, I believe the best part of the university is being able to choose the right course to study. Politics and International Relations at Westminster is extremely intriguing – deep discussions, deep thinking, and deep decision making. University Is NOT only about learning one specific subject but also about understanding what is happening around us, making yourself politically active, being responsible and making a real change in the world.

University, after all, is about independence, expressing your individuality and preparing for the real world. The beginning may be nerve-wracking, but it only gets better and better. The journey will only become more exciting and enjoyable to get involved, be yourself and experience new adventures. If you want to fulfill your wants and aspirations whilst studying, the best place to do this is at Westminster. So much goes on around here and you can definitely call Westminster home.

Noor Ali- BA Politics and International Relations – Year 1

  1. jahny

    So two hours later I am wandering around deep in the woods from one of the hiking trails near the campsite. Brought 3 beers with me and had drunk 2 cans already. I was carrying a flash light, plus an AK-47 MRS semi-automatic machine gun, and 4 fragmentation grenades on my belt.

  2. jahny67

    Brought 3 beers with me and had drunk 2 cans already. I was carrying a flash light, plus an AK-47 MRS semi-automatic machine gun, and 4 fragmentation grenades on my belt.

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